Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dr. Cornel "Obama's a House Nigger" West

Let's just be clear...Dr. West needs to be slapped upside the head for basically calling President Obama a house nigger in front of the entire world.

Don't believe me? Pray, tell me exactly how else one would translate this statement about President Obama on MSNBC's The Ed Show:

I think he does have a predilection much more toward upper-class white brothers and Jewish brothers and a certain distance from free black men who will tell him the truth about himself as well as what’s going on in black communities, brown communities, red communities and poor white and working-class communities.

Translation: Obama is a house nigger that is afraid of all of us field niggers that gonna remind him that he ain't white.

Let me go on ahead and channel my inner mixed child and respond on behalf of President Obama. Dr. West...just because you have a gap in your teeth and refuse to pick out that Don King fro of yours does not make you any more black or down or...wait for it...less privileged than our President. In fact, Mr. Denial, you have degrees from Princeton and Yale and you have occupied posts at Princeton and Harvard, Yale and the University of Paris, and Haverford College. If Obama was up in the Big House serving in the Dining Room, your ass would have been just the other side of the kitchen door.

And I couldn't give a fuck that you are a Democratic Socialist, you, sir participate in the elitist and most privileged institutions in the United States. That statement you made on MSNBC was one of the biggest rocks ever thrown inside of a glass house. I swear to God.

But beyond the personal hypocrisy of you sitting on a perch funded by white men, propped up by white men, created by white men, and until very recently, open exclusively only to white men, the damage you have done by not only buying into but also parroting the very same race exclusion/division rhetoric championed during slavery and Jim Crow is just plain shameful and irresponsible.

As I said today on Facebook, I could care less if the Dove of Christ came down and sat on Dr. West's nappy ass fro and he blew the Trumpet of the Resurrection out of his asshole, until he apologizes for the WAY in which he made his critique, I no longer give a damn what that self-hating, internalized racist has to say.

Please let me know if my position is not clear.

And I wish Dr. West would come for my ass. I am as radical as he. I share his politics and analysis of the United States, the power structures that prop it up and its hegemonic post-colonial imperial world policies. But as a human being that has often been targetted, with or without justification, on the end of insider quasi-anti-intellectual white washing rhetoric of the type used by Dr. West, I refuse to allow that sort of stupidity into my critiques of the problematic positions of black elites.

And let's be clear. Dr. West was rightfully critiquing the fact that President Obama has continued the neo-liberal policies of the United States, and he has most certainly not held Wall Street accountable for the shit mess they have put the working folks of this country in.

But guess what, Dr. West? The WAY you say your message is as important as the message itself. And the "blacker than thou," manner in which you delivered your critique makes you into a tool of the Master, so let me remind you of what our sweet sister Audre Lorde had to say:

"The Master's tools will never dismantle the Master's house."

Since you are now the arbiter of all things Negro and the self-appointed guardian of the Gates of Righteous Blackness, you might want to remember that.

I respect Dr. West's research and contributions to the academy as well as to Black American's understanding of themselves, but if the good doctor is going to show his black ass then I am more than happen to cut a switch and remind him of exactly how we do things in the black community.

Have at it!


  1. It's said when the one you respect, list to,fellow his philosophy would some time loose his cool so much? Don't this brother know that for the few brothers that look to him for advise may be confuse whit the PARADOX he presents. He is a teacher,he should grow up and keep teaching the right thing. WOW bro, you are loosing you could since the Matrix.


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